A regular update service to your email…

Picture of Steve Dresser

Steve Dresser

Founder of Grocery Insight & retail influencer
"The man supermarket CEO's turn to" - BBC"


As the blog and indeed business has evolved, there has been a greater demand for instant updates and news – some of which are detailed on Twitter highlighting new campaigns / poor practice in store.

But, what can be detailed in 140 characters doesn’t necessarily always tell the full story. Similarly the ‘fuller’ blogs are popular but these take a lot of time, so it’s planned that these will form part of a wider subscription offer when a specific retailer is considered and covered.

Tesco Watford - covered in the store report section.
Tesco Watford – covered in the email subscription.

The email service has launched and the aim is for 2/3 emails per week covering progress within the retail market in the UK. Some emails may tie into a larger theme – Tesco for example given their recent analyst strategy day.

In the main, its relevant news that is too excessive for 140 characters on Twitter; fuller detail, more imagery and more thoughts about the wider implications for the retailer.

A nutshell – its valuable insight for retailers, suppliers, marketeers, journalist, analysts, investment managers, the list goes on and on.

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