See for yourself with more than 250,000+ retail images

Quickly find the seasonal events, new products and latest developments in-store, from Asda and Amazon Fresh through to Waitrose and Walmart.
Insights featured in

If you’re interested in retail, you need to see what customers see

If you’re involved in retail, you need to see what customers see. But who has the time to visit dozens of stores every week, let alone travel around the world?

We know what to look for and focus in on what’s important, taking hundreds of high-quality photos that show you seasonal event activities, store layouts, offers, innovations, best in practice and more.

Get access to 250,000+ images

Starting from £995 per user

Book a call to get access to our bank of 250,000+ images, updated each week. Never miss a thing again.

Digital Subscription. Priced per user. Call us to discuss your needs.

A picture is worth a thousand words

A picture can also be worth tens of thousands of pounds, dollars or euros, especially when accompanied by expert observations based on years of industry experience.

Business-winning pitches

Convince with insightful, relevant images that illustrate your point.

Training manuals

Enable people to learn quicker and remember more with striking imagery.

Investment opportunities

Understand the current retail landscape, shop floor reality and direction of travel.

Best practice

Capitalise on our experience with examples of operational and retailer best in class.

Market research

Spot opportunities for business improvement and growth.

Continuous improvements

Be inspired by the latest retail developments, innovations and new technology.

Image Portal Pricing

Book a call to get access to our bank of 250,000+ images, updated each week. Never miss a thing again.

Pay Monthly

Monthly Access £995

Prices start from £995 per user, paid monthly. Book a call to discuss your image portal needs.

Digital Subscription. Priced per user. Call us to discuss your needs.

Pay Annually (Save £1,990)

Yearly Access £10,000

Get yearly access to image portal with an annual payment of £10,000. Book a call to get access.

Digital Subscription. Priced per user. Call us to discuss your needs.

Your subscription gives you access to:

Continuously growing image bank

Over 250,000 with more added every week.

Easily searchable database

Quickly and easily find the images you need.

Sharing feature

Download or share on the platform for easy collaboration and teamwork.

Wide range of categories

From food to fragrance, signage to sausages.

High-quality photos

No out-of-focus or blurry images.

Our recommendations

A handpicked selection of category best-in-class examples.

Photos that go back to 2010

Featuring retail stores around the world.

Collections feature

Curate, share and quickly return to your chosen images.

Making your life easier

More than 250,000 regularly updated high-quality images in our easy-to-search, save,
share and download Retail Insight Image Portal, make it the most comprehensive retail image bank of its kind.


Quickly find exactly what you’re looking for with highly refinable filters that include:


Save your chosen images into an easy to access file, to share with your team. Ideal for:


Collaborate with your team and clients to build an invaluable image bank that allows you to:


Get your images the way you want them with a range of download options. Choose your:

Give me acess to 250,000+ retail images

Let us know how many people need access and we’ll get you set up right away.

Pay Monthly

Monthly Access £995

Prices start from £995 per user, paid monthly. Book a call to discuss your image portal needs.

Digital Subscription. Priced per user. Call us to discuss your needs.

Pay Annually (Save £1,990)

Yearly Access £10,000

Get yearly access to image portal with an annual payment of £10,000. 

Digital Subscription. Priced per user. Call us to discuss your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Image Portal is an ever-growing bank of retail 250,000+ images that we gather from stores all across the globe each week. We make in-person visits to stores every week, taking high quality photographs of seasonal events, store layouts, offers, innovations, best in practice and more. 

You can get access to Image Portal by booking a call to discuss your requirements for image portal. Let us know what you’re looking for and we’ll see how best we can help you, with our powerful image platform you can’t get anywhere else. 

You’ll get a bank of 250,000+ high quality retail images that are categorised and filtered to find exactly what you’re looking for. You’ll get hundreds of new images uploaded to the platform each week so you can see what’s happening in stores in real-time. 

If you’re involved in retail, seeing what’s happening in stores each week is invaluable to staying ahead of the curve. We’ll show you the latest product developments and innovations, seasonal events and activities, gaps, opportunities, best practice and more. 

Let us deepen your knowledge and understanding of the retail world so that you can make better decisions.

You can use the Image Portal however you like, as long as you do not distribute or resell our images without permission. We welcome requests for using our images how you like, but permission must be granted, so please contact us first. 

Grocery Insight are copyright holders of each photograph and do not permit the sale or distribution of our images without our permission.

Image Portal was designed to be used as a research tool for anyone who has an interest in retail and would benefit from seeing what’s happening in retail each week and historically. You can download, save, share and curate our images within your teams and share with third parties, as long as the images are not distributed or used for resale.

If you have any concerns, questions or requests, please contact us

More than 250,000+ photographs dating back from 2010 with hundreds added to the image bank each week. Image Portal is always continuing to grow, so you’ll never miss a new development in retail again.

We offer different plans depending on the amount of users you require. Book a call to discuss your Image Portal needs. 

Absolutely, our platform allows you to download any image you like in high resolution. You can also save our images to your account so you can find them again later. 

You can use the images to save, share, download and curate within your teams and third parties. All we ask is not to distribute or resell our images without our permission. We do however encourage you to contact us if you would like to explore these options. 

If you would like to cancel your Image Portal plan, you can contact our team and we will take the next steps to cancel and revoke your access to Image Portal. 

Please ensure that you read everything on the site about your purchase. If you are unsure, contact us so we can guide you further. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the information that we distribute and the download technology that we deploy upon purchase, we can’t offer a refund once this subscription has been initiated.

Try before you buy

As with all good retailers, we offer you the chance to try before you buy. Explore a selection of our retail images to see the quality and features for yourself.